Pleiadean Space Runes

The Seven Books of The Pleiadean Space Runes

Photo of Runes Kit

For your individual divination or guidance, or to lead others in theirs; or for the simple entertainment of yourself or groups of friends - whatever status you ascribe to the Runes - The Seven Books of the Pleiadean Space Runes are available now on Earth, in a single 385 page volume, with a set of Rune Dice and Rune Bag, exclusively through this website.

A great gift for that adult person who is undergoing a period of soul-searching for purpose and fulfilment in life; or who enjoys entertaining and may be looking for some new activity - the Runes are relevant to adult perspectives, pleasures and concerns and are not suitable for children under sixteen.

The price for the Book, Rune Dice and Bag kit is $NZ 49 plus packaging and postage. (The New Zealand dollar is valued at about 80c U.S.; 50p UK; or 75c Au.)