Pleiadean Space Runes

Where Stand All

Photo of Where Stand All book.

Where-Stand-All: Episodes in the Foundation of Hodrin Civilization, by Hegma Heghena; translated into English by Farrold Saxon, is the absorbing, often emotional and thought-stimulating history of the Hodrin species, from whom originate the Pleiadean Space Runes. The first few chapters are slow-moving. If you find these absorbing, you will be thrilled and still fascinated by later chapters.

The Hodrin differ from humans in a number of ways that have shaped the growth of their civilization in some ways alien and some ways familiar to us. Their females and males are very similar in physical appearance yet have very different mental abilities. Hodrin young are independent at about five days and have far looser family bonds than ours. Social connection in the young is largely through play. In adults it is through mating bonds across large groups of Hodrin, due mainly to the mating frenzy that females experience only twice or three times in their adult lives, and which is an important focus of adult female status, and bonding of the female and male communities.

Where Stand All